I'm Laurie Marschall, owner and founder of Lakama Luxury Travel.

A major lesson learned during my 30+ year corporate career: the importance of giving yourself time away from the everyday stresses of work and life in general. The truth is, I was so used to the pace I never realized how tired I was until I took time off, especially when I made time to travel and explore new places. A different venue helped clear the tired mind, helped me accomplish more, and most importantly, made me happy! A win-win for everyone - my company, my team, my family, me.
Why a business in the travel industry? A second corporate downsizing in 2014 was all I needed to change course. Instead of starting over at another company, I launched my own and I've never looked back. Exploring the world has been part of me since a very young age. Between living overseas for 12 years as a child, later traveling the globe with family and friends and working for one of the most international companies in the world, my travel adventures and stories have been amazing.
And I help you bring back your own amazing stories.
The world is big and all the options can be mind boggling. However, travel planning doesn't have to be stressful and time consuming. That's where I come in. Working with a professional like me makes travel planning easy and stress-free. With hundreds of partners and itinerary options to consider, I help you choose, plan and book the vacation that best suits your personal travel style.
Why a business in the travel industry? A second corporate downsizing in 2014 was all I needed to change course. Instead of starting over at another company, I launched my own and I've never looked back. Exploring the world has been part of me since a very young age. Between living overseas for 12 years as a child, later traveling the globe with family and friends and working for one of the most international companies in the world, my travel adventures and stories have been amazing.
And I help you bring back your own amazing stories.
The world is big and all the options can be mind boggling. However, travel planning doesn't have to be stressful and time consuming. That's where I come in. Working with a professional like me makes travel planning easy and stress-free. With hundreds of partners and itinerary options to consider, I help you choose, plan and book the vacation that best suits your personal travel style.
And a few fun facts about me .....
- My Dad's parents emigrated to the US from Germany in the 1920's, and I'm fortunate to still be in contact with my German relatives. It's always a fun visit - learning new things about both my grandfather's and grandmother's sides of the family. My Mom's heritage is Dutch and Scottish, with relatives emigrating to the US as far back as the late 1600's. Finding these relatives may require a bit more research!
- I have been on 6 continents, 43 countries, 40 states and counting....
- I am fairly fluent in German - a bit rusty from lack of practice but I can hold my own!
- I went to kindergarten and also learned how to ski in Switzerland.
- I love puzzles. Jigsaw. Sudoku. Logic. (Probably why I worked in logistics for 20+ years and now love putting together trips!)
- I know how to count 1-10 in 5 languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese.
- 1986 - my first cruise, through Alaska's Inside Passage. I still love being out on the water, through I much prefer smaller ships and river cruises now over bigger ships. Once you've experienced them you never look back.
- Collecting passport stamps and photographs are my most treasured souvenirs!
- People are wondering what the exotic meaning is behind my business name. I could come up with a fancy story, but in reality, LAKAMA is simply an acronym of my name - LA (Laurie) KA (Katherine) MA (Marschall).
Ready to start planning your next adventure?