Don't Forget About Your Passport DetailsIt seems that most everyone is experiencing "Where did the time go?" syndrome. So my tip for today is for you to take a moment to think about any time sensitive tasks you have for your upcoming trips. Write them down (if you haven't already) and make sure you set some time aside to get them done. One big example - if you are going on an international trip, check when your passports expire! You do not want to risk being denied boarding due to an expired or soon to expire passport. With how quickly time passes by, you may not realize how long ago you received or renewed your current passport. Best to double check. If you don't have a passport, getting one isn't difficult. It just needs some planning. Check the US State Department for information on the forms, fees and where to apply.
If you have a passport:
When booking your travel:
Other tips:
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Laurie Marschall - Owner and Founder